Resonating with the trillions to be mobilized at COP26
We are in the last day of negotiations, countries in America and Africa are really demanding to cut subsidies of fossil fuels, the adaptation is now, not in a few years, the promises of mobilizing trillions to mitigate climate change are not trusted any more.
The 20 countries in the world that has 80% of the global GDP are the ones that generates 80% of the GHGE. China and Russia are present at the COP26; and there is some hope because the USA is present with a solid commitment to boost the Paris agreement and strengthen it further in Glasgow. The above is really powerful because the USA is one of the biggest polluters and also one of the most influential countries in the world.
The majority of the excellencies understands the problem and extern their recommendations to have an outcome document that put the society and environment first; and definitely that has the potential to be aline to the economic growth but a systemic change is urgently needed.
To develop the world now in a sustainable way is profitable, jobs are and will be created and the most important, the younger generations will have trust again in our world leaders.
The time is now, we don't want more empty promises, instead we demand action. Anticipation, creativity and innovation are key abilities to solve this challenge.
Of course a conference is not going to change the world, but the individual change will make it and the COP26 leaders have in their hands and minds a massive potencial to influence the world in a positive way. Awareness is urgently needed, intergenerational collaboration is mandatory... There is hope, it seems impossible until it is achieved and as far as I am concerned I will continue working every day as I have been doing for 11 years in order to continue contributing to make this planet a better place to live.
And I reiterate, I am not looking to change the world, the one who is changing to be a better person every day is me.